Revelation 2-3. Why make preparations for the wedding feast like the 5 wise virgins of Matt. 25?

9 months ago

Satan sealed up the Bible Rev. 5:1ff., with his lies, the cause of all human suffering, during the two falls of man, but with the 2nd coming of the ways of Elohim Isa. 55:9, we are no longer ignorant of Satan's devices 2 Cor. 2:11!
We needed to be ignorant and under Satan’s devices so men could fight against Elohim Acts 17:30; 1 Cor. 2:6-16. With the seals broken Rev. 5:1ff., we have wisdom/revelation from above and can understand the parables about the Kingdom of Heaven that soon will break up and consume the kingdoms of men Dan. 2:44; Matt. 13:11. Those whom the Lord grants wisdom can understand kingdom parables. We have rediscovered, the pearl of great price, the good news, and the greatest story ever told! We realize that the temple, that Satan occupied 2 Thess. 2:3-4 was destroyed in 70 AD, in part, by the destroyer/space weather, because we only have to suffer until the second coming of Christ James 5:7-11; John 8:32! We know Satan was thrown off this world from the temple because he was pretending to be God and ruling over the kingdoms of men. We are no longer ignorant of his lies/wiles/seals/arrows John 12:31ff.; 2 Thess. 2:3-4.

Perhaps the reason why Revelation was addressed to seven churches in Asia Minor is because the 144,000 Jewish Christians went to that area and were working on those underground cities in Turkey to be saved Eph. 2:7 from the same pole shift that would be involved in the destruction of Jerusalem and Rome, indeed as Christ warned. Imagine the five wise virgins reading, with the oil from their lamps, in the caves, about the sun turning dark and the moon red while they rode out Revelation 6:12 before the first age of the great wedding feast!

We, like them, will need to have our oil ready as we read these same restored texts while riding out the pole shift/micro-nova that will create a new heaven and earth before we reign with Christ in the second age of the Kingdom of heaven after the two falls of man Rev. 5:22; Psalms 37:9ff. Yes, the second coming of the Kingdom is at hand, and we must choose the one true faith from Elohim, where we find the Lord’s protection Eph. 2:7!

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