Signless Coming Of Messiah?

8 months ago

Jesus is returning. The Bible describes observable signs that occur prior to his return. Some supposed experts are denying the signs your observing and telling you, "The Doctrine of Imminence implies the possibility of an any-moment, signless coming by Christ at the rapture.” Dr. Tommy Ice
"No Observable Warning Signs!" Dr. Mark Hitchcock
Do you remember the phrase, "Are you going to believe me, or your lying eyes?" This phrase is employed by narcissists and control freaks when they get caught gaslighting and lying.
These experts are gaslighting you.
You need to learn how to observe the signs, test the news and discern your Bibles properly to protect your loved ones. These experts will expose you to needless harm when the signs increase.
What will be the signs and when will they increase?
Let's learn together!

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