Down the Gaddafi rabbit hole i go... (read description)

8 months ago

Apart from the great man-made river project, Gaddafi also threatened the US petro-dollar by the ill-fated introduction of the Golden African Dinar. I also believe Libya was stitched up with the downing of the Pan Am PA103 aircraft at Lockerbie, like always the deep-state cabal carry out false flags to invade country after country. The cabal have been hunting down the Druze bloodline for many years, and we know some were in Libya. If you want to know more about the war of the bloodlines, which is exactly what is going on today then read this article:-

The Kahlooni Family: The Jesus Strand

An incredible article and a good read to understand the complexity of the war between God and Satan, between the Kahlooni Family and the Zionist Jesuit Khazarian Mafia Cabal.

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