DARK MATTER Episode 3 Breakdown | Ending Explained, Theories & Review | APPLE TV+

8 months ago

DARK MATTER Episode 3 Breakdown | Ending Explained, Theories & Review | APPLE TV+. We breakdown and explain the latest Apple TV science fiction psychological mystery thriller streaming series for Apple TV. We talk about and breakdown episode 3, ending explained, theories, and our reaction & review of this latest Apple TV science fiction psychological mystery thriller streaming series, starring Joel Edgerton, Jennifer Connelly, Alice Braga, Jimmi Simpson, Dayo Okeniyi, Oakes Fegley & MORE!

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Episode 3 of Dark Matter is all about wining-and-dining, while keeping your best friend from going to pound town on your fake wife. **Well that escalated quickly

Settle in because there are some interesting wrinkles, reveals, and theories we’ve hobbled together after this third episode. Get in the box and close the door. I said close the door!

Focusing on Jason 1, he is in quite a pickle. Having just witnessed his wife in another universe be shot right in front of him, and now bound in a holding cell back at the Velocity Labs facility. Obviously it's been a rough couple of days, but Jason 1 kinda comes to the conclusion that he needs to play ball with Leighton and the others to figure out exactly what the heck is going on. Through these little interrogation scenes, we learn Jason 1 has been back for roughly 3 days now, and there were a total of 4 Velocity employees that went missing. The first was a woman by the name of Blair Caplan, which we don’t know too much about in universe 2, BUT in universe 1, she is Daneila’s good lawyer friend, who we first saw in episode 1, and is later at the dinner party Jason 2 hosts. Very interesting how all of this is like connected maaaaannn, while the other 2 missing employees are unknown at this time, we can assume they disappeared into the box device searching for both Blair and Jason.

Jason urges Leighton to help him remember, what the heck was he developing, why the secret facility, and about 23 other questions, which leads to Leighton showing him THE BOX OoooOOhhhh of which he and Velocity had been working on. In the first 2 episodes we saw glimpses of this device, but now getting up close and personal, Jason and our theories were correct, as the box is basically a scaled up version of the quantum mechanics theory of superposition and Schrodinger's cat. Sure Leighton gives a mush mouth barrage of buzz words describing it but it’s basically a box within a box. For all you geometry and Marvel nerds, it’s a tesseract. Earlier in the holding cell, there’s a painting of this same shape, with various colors, that definitely hints at the ending of this episode and where we can assume episode 4 and beyond will go.

The question is, how the heck does the box work? Sure we know it’s superposition, you shove something in the box, and voila, uhhh science I guess.

This video contains JBuck Studios DARK MATTER Episode 3 Breakdown | Ending Explained, Theories & Review | APPLE TV+ /// DARK MATTER Episode 3 Breakdown Reaction /// DARK MATTER Episode 3 Breakdown Spoiler Review & Quantum Mechanics Theories

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