Biden's Morehouse Speech Is A Mess With Pandering In Overdrive

9 months ago

Lights are on — nobody's home. Biden — confused — applauds as the speaker calls for an "immediate and a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza strip." - Biden — pandering in Atlanta: "I got more Morehouse men in the White House telling me what to do than I know what to do! You all think I'm kidding, don't you?" - Biden — who routinely lies about being a civil rights activist — says he ran for office "to embrace the cause of civil rights." - Biden: "[HBCUs] got me elected! Y'all think I'm kidding, I'm not kidding!" - Biden (pandering): "I stood up for George — with George Floyd's family!" - Biden brags about defying the Supreme Court on his unilateral student loan debt bailout: "When the Supreme Court told me I couldn't, I found two other ways to do it." - Biden: "Today in Georgia, they won't allow water to be available to you while you wait in line to vote in an election. What in the hell is that all about?" -- That's a debunked lie.

A bigger what now? You go that way, Crooked Joe. -- Biden, a lifelong racist and chronic liar, is given an "honorary degree." -- Very muted clapping, if you ask me.

Rumble: Morehouse Students Turn Their Backs On Biden
Twitchy: Morehouse College Speaker Calls for Permanent Cease Fire in Gaza and CLUELESS Joe Biden Seal Claps
RedState: Biden's Morehouse Speech Is a Mess With Pandering in Overdrive, As Students Turn Their Backs on Him

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