Of Course the World Hates the Bible – But Many Within the Church Do Too!

9 months ago

5/20/24 "In Defense of the Scripture" part 1 S4E16p1
All good things must come to an end – and this week’s episode brings us to the end of Season Four. Something’s Happening Here is about to take a break for a while, so we’re closing with a strong appeal in favor of the Holy Scriptures. Did you know that the world is deeply hostile toward the Bible? Of course you did. But did you know that a sizeable amount of that hostility comes from within the church, too? We begin the week’s episode with some examples of modern-day Bible hating in their subtle forms on today’s show called “Of Course the World Hates the Bible – But Many Within the Church Do Too!”; then Wednesday we’ll look to history and prophecy to see where a lot of today’s hatred stems from; then Friday we’ll look to the future to see why it all matters. Ready? Put on your Prophecy Hats and welcome to the show!

It’s the finale of Season Four! The Word of God is under attack – and often from within the church! (Just like Scripture promises.) Something’s Happening Here defends the Bible and explores the prophetic importance of doing so.

Season 4 Episode 16
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