Rings of Power season 2: This would explain everything

9 months ago

Yes, I watched the trailer for Amazon's Rings of Power season 2. Notice how I didn't say 'The Lord of the Rings' in the title? That was on purpose. This show has very little to do with Tolkien. That's why. Now some of you may know that Michael Loftus is not only the mgmt. of The Loftus Party website, but also a comedian and yes, a writer of many a Hollywood show. So, there's that to consider. Oh! And a lover of all things legit Tolkien. So, what's up with the teaser trailer for Amazon's Rings of Power? Funny you should ask. It's all laughably bad. So, zero change from season 1 evidently. Now for the sake of entertainment, let's talk and joke about the rings of power and how it looks like a scam. Come on. This would explain everything!

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