Brock less vs John vena Roman reigns

9 months ago

During a sit-down interview with Chris Van Vliet, Braun Strowman, who recently returned to the WWE Monday Night Raw brand after recovering from neck fusion surgery, wasn't shy in admitting he got a little too antsy when he threw the knee strike at Brock Lesnar.

"I got a little overzealous with him and then he checked me," Strowman admitted. "At the end of the day, it's two big dominant dudes out there going at it and things happen. This ain't ballet."

Strowman takes the incident in stride these days, jokingly taking pride in the fact that he continued the match as planned despite having his bell rung.

"Yeah, I stiffed him on accident with a knee and he wasn't happy with it, so he clobbered me in the side of the head," Strowman said. "I like to think I'm the only human on earth that's ever taken a right hand from Brock and didn't go night, night. I went 20 more minutes in the match. /storage/emulated/0/Download/googleafd922e50333e7cc-1.html

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