Article 4832 Video - To All State Assemblies - Sunday, May 19, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 4832 Video - To All State Assemblies - Sunday, May 19, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

The Coordinators are a potential "chink" in our collective armor, and yet an absolutely necessary part of the work at hand.

The Coordinators are all volunteers.

The Federation does not choose them.

We are obligated to work, as much as possible, with whomever steps forward from your State of the Union.

It behooves all of you to consider the importance of promoting and supporting stable and loyal Americans who have a good grasp of traditional American values to serve as Coordinators.

Also, there is safety in numbers. Leaving your State with only one Coordinator instead of a team of Coordinators means that you are at the mercy of one volunteer.

That volunteer may be the most sincere, diligent, and wonderful person --- and many of our Coordinators are --- but your future should not hang on one volunteer.

Having only one Coordinator adds to the inevitable impression that they are "the" leader and that they have been chosen by the Federation, but that simply isn't true.

Functioning with only one Coordinator also creates an unreasonable amount of work for one person.

And if that one volunteer gets off track far enough, or isn't sincere to begin with, they can pose a very real danger to you and your Assembly.

There is growing evidence that the District Government is mounting an effort to portray us as "sovereign citizens" and at the same time, making efforts to commandeer our Assemblies.

They are following a pattern that is recognizable.

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