Atomic Biscuits - 20240519 - Nonesuch

10 months ago

This week the Biden administration made a STRATEGIC decision to push old bumblebucket out there for not one but two debates excluding the long standing practice of having a media outfit set it all up. Imagine being an undecided voter right about now. Who are the fence sitters? Who is so insulated from the modern western world disaster that they aren't sure what the choice should be? Really hard to understand. In order to be isolated you'd need to be unaware of skyrocketing inflation that has taxed and robbed everyone. You'd need to be unaware of how China is making a move for global domination. You'd need to be unaware of how crypto and CBDC work and be happily reliant on your stock market purchases and central banking savings accounts. You would need to be 4 years old or a mental midget to not miss lower crime rates, fewer illegal invaders, better gas and food and energy prices. You'd need to be so sensitive to mean tweets that you're unable to process anything else.
Wake up America.
The lights are in the belltower and the toll is high. The glass is hidden in the grass. The enemy is on the inside and will take you without a shot...if we don't act.
This week a former situation room officer claims Mike Pence "came close" to being killed on January 6th. My question, was that before or after his treason?
Billionaires continue to get audiences. Citadel's Ken Griffen told listeners in Qatar that the American campus chaos is tantamount to anarchy. Just wait Ken, the summer isn't here yet and the Soros' are just getting organized.
For the second time in a week, faulty socket Joe Biden claimed inflation was 9% when he took office and that he's shrunken it down and gotten it under control. FALSE. Even the liberal catlady over at Snopes couldn't be convinced.
Imagine finally acknowledging the Wuhan virology lab responsible for the plandemic is still at it. And even after outing its ties to American military budgets, it's still being funded. And even after knowing that they cooked up the pathogen in a lab, they're still hard at work on a bird flu variant. Why are we still allowing this?
The federal agencies are on an all-out promotional tour for bird flu. From chicken flocks to cattle herds they all wait breathlessly for it to "mysteriously" jump people so they can declare a World Health Organization alert, lock people down, shut down the steal it again.
And don't forget the mysterious new condition the American Heart Association has warned about. Yeah, 90% of Americans suddenly, unexpectedly, safely and effectively, now have fatal heart conditions. No wonder Joe's borders stand open to invite in the unjabbed. They need a workforce who can stand up until AI can take over. Are dead people the ones owning nothing and presumably happy? John Rappoport noticed that the WHO pandemic treaty has been relabeled an Agreement to dodge the necessary Senate approve needed for treaty approval.

The freech speech platform GAB, where I post at BACFA, determined they would not take down content required by the Australian government deeming that Australia has no jurisdiction in the United States. And that will probably stand in an American court. Will Julian Assange?

I'll go into more detail about this and more on Atomic Biscuits airing at 10am Eastern, each Sunday on WBN324

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