“First Do No Harm is absolute bollocks” - Doc Ahmad Malik on the REAL Hippocratic Oath

9 months ago

“First Do No Harm is absolute bollocks. What it means is, first do no harm to my license, first do no harm dto my income, first do no harm to my reputation, my standing in the community and the profession, first do no harm to my career, first do no harm to my mistress, my holidays, my kid’s private schooling, you name. And maybe, maybe, down that long list, first do no harm to my patient, but as long as I’m sticking to the guidelines and protocols.”

If all these priorities come before the patient’s best interest, how can a patient trust their doctor’s recommendation? How can you know that your doctor’s advice isn’t mainly intended to prevent harm to their license/career/livelihood/etc.?

Doctor’s medical advice is significantly tainted by (1) their severe conflicts of interest, (2) the brainwashing they received in and after medical school, and (3) their lack of expertise of integral ways to gain true health and thereby prevent and treat disease.

Even doctors who are fully aware refuse to speak up, because that is nearly certain to harm their career.


Segment from (starts around 1h7m):

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