Action Radio 5/20/24, Army Psychological Operations, "Psyops," Part 2.

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The ultimate goal of these Psyop reports is to connect the military training in Psyops to current gov't officials of the illegal Obama/Biden Coup, and to trace how such Psyop training is SOP, Standard Operating Procedures, against American citizens, the most obvious being the J6 Capitol Hill Invitational Walk-In Entrapment Scheme. The second being the gov't Covid shot / hospital ventilator massacre.

I learned something from Dinesh D"Sousa videos -- Always Maintain the Con... Deny, Deny, Deny... Stealing the gov't started in 2015, has had some 15-20 different phases and operations, and is still going on. Just look at the Trump trials and the Biden only debate rules -- Coup d'Etat, alive and well in America...


Action Radio Show Schedule: AM Central Time -- Monday:
7:00 - Part 2 of Army Psyop operations, with Greg Penglis.
8:00 - The Legal Report, with Jonathon Moseley.
9:00 - The Crime Report, with John Delmonico.

* After the show these times convert to the first hour, second hour, and third hour, of the podcast.


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