Glory days

4 months ago

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Glory days

Prophetic word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
1st of May 2024 05.17

Glory days are ahead for My Remnants, but judgements are coming to the wicked.

I Am making a further separation between the Remnants and the wicked.

Some of you are asking Me why do you make further separation? What can go together with holiness?

Nothing! You are holy because I Am holy!

The Remnants who have consecrated themselves for Me like Moses, Joshua, Joseph, Samuel and many more.

Glory days will be seen on the Earth and it will also be felt because My Sons and Daughters will shine like My Son Yeshua Hamasiach on the mountain with John and Peter.

The wicked will reap what they have sown in their lives.

I Am your redeemer, your savior and King.
Eruptions, earthquakes and shaking will be seen in places that you have never thought of.
Tornadoes and storms will come in many places.

It will not harm My Remnants.

The enemies are in total panic because exposure after exposure will be exposed by the whistleblowers. I have given them boldness like never before.

The satanic world and those who are connected to the evil side will I judge.
I have given you the time to repent. I have warned you over and over again but you will not change.

The Børsen in Denmark is just the beginning of what is coming. The royal house, the Governments, and the big corporations and their secret societies will lose their grip on their own countrymen. The shift has already begun.

Things are not what they appear. It is a movie and soon the actors will be exposed.

The old serpent in Denmark will lose its grip. The system of control will come crashing down. It is far worse than you think in the system of Babylon.

Soon you will see black outs in the system and I did it!

You, taskmasters in the system, enough is enough! Your power is taking from you. You will be stripped from your positions!

To you freemasons who are sitting in every city. You will no longer be tolerated.

Enough of your sacrifices of the innocent blood from children that were killed for your dead gods!
Warlocks and witches I have had enough!
Soon you will see My hand and I will destroy you. Because you took the lives of the innocents!

The blood of the people who were killed by vaccines is outrageous to Me!

The Royal House of Denmark, Prime Minister of Denmark Mette Frederiksen, Magnus Heunicke, Søren Brostrøm and many others who made the narrative in 2020.
I AM coming for you!

You thought that there would be no consequences and you thought that you are secure behind the walls of power.
Soon you will not be able to sit on your thrones.

Glory days are coming to My Remnants, because you stood against the storm and I stretched your faith.
You have stood your test. You are highly favored and deeply loved by Me.

You will recover all, and everything will be changed forever. I will give you recompense for your pain.

You are the priest and kings with Me so you will also rule and reign with Me here on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Remember My covenant with Me. Remember Israel is the apple of My Eye.
I will bless those who bless Israel.
I have made and established the covenant and I will keep My covenant with you.

Jerusalem will never be divided. Hear Oh Israel, your God is One!

Matthew 24
Acts 2:17
Joel 2:28-32 dreams

Daniel 2:21 changes the seasons and times.

Revelation 5:12

1 Peter 2:9 kings and priest

Psalm 17:8
Apple of the eye
Revelation 20:6

Daniel 2:21 He removes kings and sets up kings.

Exodus 22:18 about witches
Revelation 21:8 about adulterers, to those who practice magic.

Deuteronomy 6:4
Hear Oh Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.
Prophetic word, faith, Glory days, Jesus, believe, God, Kingdom,

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