8 months ago

If you have a disease like cancer and you believe that there are better treatments than what your doctor is offering, which is likely radiation, chemo or surgery and you mention this to your doctor, they will look at you like you are crazy.

If you push it further, they will likely demean you by saying “I went to school for 10 years, blah, blah” that kind of bullsh*t.

You know what doctors didn’t learn in all those years of brainwashing?

Not a damn thing about treating the diseases with nutrition.

You know what else they didn’t learn?

That Big Pharma is involved in creating these diseases.

They are brainwashed to believe that Big Pharma are the good guys creating healthy chemicals that we can consume to make us all better.

When in fact, it is Big Pharma creating the diseases and proving the “treatments.”

It is a BIG Scam.

If you want to learn how Viruses are truly Spread and how they truly begin and how they are manufactured (lab created – lab grown) to be “shotgun” viruses and how others are lab created to be stealth viruses – have a listen to this →

You know what else doctors didn’t learn about in those valuable years of education?


You would think about half of their education would be on this as that is what all of the big pharma’s are dishing out to our children, which is an incredible crime.

See what Dr. Humphries has to say about this → Dr. Suzanne Humphries says → ***Dr. Suzanne Humphries – Doctors are NOT Taught about Vaccines in Medical School – 30 Second JAB ED --

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