DNR orders allowed people to die

10 months ago

Unnecessary deaths are a tragedy in themselves, but also distorted the covid fatality data.

Use free download link- https://ufile.io/xp4acnuj

Dave, independent researcher


Witness statements:

Gilliant Grant- https://www.covid19inquiry.scot/sites/default/files/ev-documents/sci-wt0142-000002.pdf

I was provided with a document at a meeting I had with one of the solicitors. The document was the DNR but this had my name written on it. I was shocked as this was the first time I had seen this document and did not even know it existed. I had never had any sight of this document before meeting with the solicitor. Initially it was thought a DNR document had been signed by my mum. This is incorrect. There is no signed DNR by my mum. The DNR had my name on it. I had never given permission for the DNR and I am very shocked and upset that this has my name on it. I do not understand it. The DNR is incomplete. The first part of the DNR asked if the patient authorises the DNR. This part had been left blank. The next part asks if the welfare attorney/ guardian authorises this and has my name written next to it but it is not dated.

The part below that is signed by the GP and is dated for 2 November 2020. On this date my gran was showing only very mild signs of COVID symptoms. My gran suffered from mild dementia but had enough capacity to make her own decisions. I was asked about a DNR but categorically stated that I was not prepared to make any decision on a DNR if she was not critically ill and I knew she could make these decisions for herself. I was very clear and strongly worded on this with the care home.

I think this conversation happened on the 2 of November 2020 and this is the date of the DNR. I think this is very important to include because I am shocked that this document exists as I had no knowledge of this before being presented with it and I had never authorised a DNR but this has my name on it. I would be happy for the inquiry to be provided with a copy of the DNR. It was also stated on these records that we did not wish her to go to hospital and this was also untrue. I stated on several occasions that if she deteriorated I wanted her to go to hospital immediately.

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