The Symbolism of the Fool [Tarot card]

8 months ago

The Fool is a card in the Tarot, often given the number zero and regarded as the most ‘important’ card in the pack. W. B. Yeats in his Phases of the Moon, noted that of the three important ‘roles’ - the Fool, the ‘Hunchback’[the Tarot Hermit] and the ‘Saint’ [the Tarot Hanged Man], the Fool is at the farthest limits of spirituality, almost not of this earth. The root of the word "fool" is from the Latin follis, which means ‘ that which contains air or Breath’ filled with the breath of life – spiritual energy. In other words, the Fool is divine. A Fool is thus a ‘god’ in human form.


Catrin Welz Stein – Tarot
Leon Spillaert
The Birth of Venus - Sandro Botticelli
Fool on the hill – Janda Zdenek
Felicien Rops – Pornokrates
Janda 1 - Bird on apple tree
Hesiod and the muse - 1870 Gustave Moreau
Caspar David Friedrich – Wanderer above the Sea of clouds

1 Music and video for Fool on the Hill by the Beatles watch?v=gX7-XyMVnSM

2 Being there
One of the best films to show the characteristics of a Fool is ‘Being There’ which starred Peter Sellars as Chance. It was based on Jerzy Kosinski's English novel Being There which itself is similar to the best-selling Polish novel The Career of Nicodemus Dyzma by Tadeusz Dolega-Mostowicz.

In the final scene, as the party elite discuss their choice of Chance as their preferred candidate in the upcoming presidential election, Chance is seen wandering over the estate. He comes to the edge of a lake and then proceeds to seemingly defy gravity by walking on the surface of the water, and not sinking into it. Film critic Roger Ebert mentions this scene in his 2001 book The Great Movies, stating that his film students once suggested that Chance may be walking on a submerged pier. Ebert writes, "The movie presents us with an image, and while you may discuss the meaning of the image, it is not permitted to devise explanations for it. Since Ashby does not show a pier, there is no pier — a movie is exactly what it shows us, and nothing more." watch?v=Bow1ZJTV4L4


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Fiona Buchet is a professional singer, songwriter and composer based in Wellington, New Zealand. She is a mother of two teens and runs multiple businesses with her entrepreneurial husband, Louis.

She is dedicated to exploring the mechanisms of ‘All That Is’, nature and spirit, and a significant part of this is expressing her musical gifts in the form of live performance and composing/producing her own music.

Fiona creates thoughtful, lilting and rhythm-based ambient/electronica music at her home studio. Her music has been described as reminiscent of Kate Bush, Massive Attack and even Billie Eilish – “Atmospheric and slightly disturbing... in a good way!”

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