Would You Be Willing To Die For A Lie?

9 months ago

12 Men who either knew Jesus of Nazareth personally or had a personal encounter with Him, gave up everything, including their lives to spread the Good News that He is the Son of God come to save us from our sins. Do you really think they would have done that if they knew for a fact what they were saying was a lie? Would you?



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Would You Be Willing To Die For A Lie?

Who were Jesus' Disciples? Who were His two half-brothers who we are told wrote two of the Books in our New Testament? What does the Bible tell us about them? What about Church History?

Each of these men chose to live out their Faith in Jesus even to the point of death. All but John were murdered in horrific ways. Do you really think any of them, much less all of them, would have done so for something they knew was a lie? Of course not! They did what they did and made the sacrifice they did because they knew absolutely that Jesus of Nazareth died on a cross, was buried in a borrowed tomb that was sealed and guarded by the best soldiers from the best army the world had ever seen. He remained in that tomb for three days, then rose again. Finally, He ascended into Heaven with a promise to return for us. That is why they were willing to die to tell others of Jesus the Son of God, because they knew they were speaking and living the truth.

Yet, how many of you are willing to die for that truth? Even simpler, how many of you are willing to live for that truth? The New Testament is very clear on what a Life of Faith is, but virtually none of us are willing to live it. Then, how can we say we would be willing to die for it?

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Hot Bible Talk With The Evangelist and The Beard is Live on Facebook, www.facebook.com/groups/avoicecryinginthewilderness, every other Saturday afternoon and released every other Monday on various Social Media Platforms. The Episodes cover various topics related to life today and how the Bible is relevant to what is happening all around us and the struggles so many face every day.

A Voice Crying In The Desert is a Faith-based Missions Outreach Ministry that is not affiliated with any church or denomination, although we are willing to work with any church or denomination that will work with us. We are trusting God to provide for us financially and to send in workers. Donations currently go to support providing Free Study Bibles and Devotionals to anyone who requests one and to our Youth Outreach in the Bloomingdale and Nebraska Neighborhoods of Fort Wayne, two of the poorest in this city.

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