And You Thought Our Congress Was Chaotic! Taiwan Parliament Member Steals Bill To Stop Its Passage

8 months ago

We suppose our clown car of a Congress could always be worse. There are Mean Girls style meltdowns, and representatives who 'accidentally' pull the fire alarm to thwart a vote. But at least no one has stolen legislation. Yet. -- In Taiwan, a member of parliament tried just that, though. And punches were thrown. 🚨🇹🇼 A member of Taiwan's parliament stole a bill and ran off with it to prevent it from being passed. LMFAOOOOOO 😭😭 Spoiler alert: it did not work.

• More at: Twitchy - And You Thought OUR Congress Was Chaotic! Watch Taiwan Parliament Member STEAL Bill to Stop Its Passage
NBC News: Taiwan lawmakers exchange blows in bitter dispute over parliament reforms

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