Acts 2:1-4 - Pentecost Sunday Prayer - 19 May 2024

9 months ago

As we gather to celebrate Pentecost Sunday,
let us remember the profound event
when the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles,
filling them with divine power and uniting them in purpose.
This moment not only marked the birth of the Church
but also reminds us of the ongoing presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Let us reflect on this with a reading from the Book of Acts, chapter 2, verses 1 to 4.

"When the day of Pentecost came,
they were all together in one place.
Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind
came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.
They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire
that separated and came to rest on each of them.
All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit
and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them."

Let us Pray:

Heavenly Father,
We come before You on this blessed Pentecost Sunday,
filled with gratitude for the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Just as You poured out Your Spirit upon the apostles,
we ask that You fill us anew with Your presence.
May Your Holy Spirit ignite our hearts with the fire of Your love,
empowering us to speak Your truth
with boldness and to live lives that reflect Your grace and mercy.
Grant us unity, as it was on that first Pentecost,
and let Your Spirit move mightily among us,
bringing peace, understanding, and renewal.
Help us to use the gifts, You have given us to serve others,
spread the gospel, and build Your kingdom here on earth.
We pray for a fresh outpouring of Your Spirit in our lives,
our communities, and our world.
May we be instruments of Your peace,
spreading the message of Your love to all we encounter.
In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, we pray.


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