The Symbolism of Capricorn [and goats]

9 months ago

Capricorn is the tenth sign in the zodiac. Its pictorial representation has the head of a goat, and the tail of a fish . Capricorn as an actual Constellation of stars, is faint. But whereas Cancer was the 'Golden Gate ' through which souls descended from heaven into human bodies, its opposite sign, Capricorn, is said to house the 'Gate of the Gods' where souls of the departed ascended back to heaven. Capricorn 'contains' the winter solstice which, for our ancestors was a momentous time of year, the time that the Sun starts to climb up, appearing higher and higher in the sky each day. This is why the symbol of the Goat is used, goats climb, up and up, just like the Sun. Indeed, so important was the Solstice to our ancestors, that ancient monuments such as Newgrange in Ireland and Stonehenge in the UK are aligned with the sunrise or sunset on the winter solstice. Furthermore, despite its faintness as an astronomical constellation, it has one of the oldest mythological associations. The Babylonians used MULSUḪUR.MAŠ "The Goat-Fish" as a symbol of their god Ea. But why the curly fish tail? The tail signifies something a good deal more important than the rainy season or the time of floods. And one apparently controversial explanation is that our ancestors were attempting to explain the precession of the equinoxes. And we provide an explanation of this phenomenon in the video - and the effects it had on the early Julian and Gregorian calendars. And if you think you know what time is, you may find this video something of an eye opener.


The history of time and how it was divided can be found in our video on Magpies EPwOj43XRwM

Although most photos were found using Pinit, a number of those relating to the Precession of Equinoxes were published on Wikipedia along with a much fuller explanation of the principles behind the movements

Devas sporting in Heaven. Mural in Wat Bowonniwet
Capricorn - Julia Ismambetova
Capricorn - Dorina Costras
Salvador Dali – the Signs of the Zodiac series – Capricorn
Berlin Pergamon museum, Aureus, FO Pergamon, kaiserzeitlich, SIGNIS REGENTIS, Capricornus als persönliches Zeichen Augustus' 19-18 v.u.Z
Capricorn - Carlos Ruiz
Capricorn - Nika Grig
Julius-Caesar-marble-sculpture - Andrea-di-Pietro
Ritratto di Gregorio XIII – Passarotti
Rene Magritte – Golconda
David Teniers - The Ascension (copy after Leandro Bassano)


Capricorn Constellation / Zodiac - Free motion graphics watch?v=c9YqL98LAZU

MOUNTAIN GOATS - These Creatures Don’t Care About The Laws Of Physics Despite Their Hooves watch?v=HfPcQgIoErA

Zodiac Horoscope Free HD Footage | Royalty Free | No Copyright watch?v=lbT1skm0uts

Winter Solstice celebrations at Newgrange, Ireland watch?v=KwtRrBKGHTI

The Dendera Zodiac of Egypt: An Ancient Babylonian Copy? | Ancient Architects watch?v=UYfxiZS1SYI

Precession of the earth watch?v=qlVgEoZDjok

Days Passing Calendar I Transparent BG I Stock Footage I No Copyright I Free to use watch?v=_3vL5mwG9l4

girl walking in field || front view || copyright free video clip || no copyright || stock video watch?v=5Bt3pchu6kQ


00:00 Through and Through - Amulets

02:24 Traveler by Alexander Nakarada (
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04:08 Forest Walk by Alexander Nakarada (
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06:22 Sonora - Quincas Moreira

09:24 Village Ambiance by Alexander Nakarada (
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