9 months ago

The inability to feel our feelings is what will enable us to say NO to the challenges we face in the world, yet we haven't been taught how to do this. In this video I discuss some of the things that we're facing, along with a general somatic healing technique of "how to feel fear," or feelings for that matter. It's an incredible time to be alive and if we can learn to integrate our trauma and ground into our bodies as we do so, we can survive anything!

I am offering a free somatic healing session to whoever may want to do this technique online with me. This would be especially powerful for those who struggle with addictions, body pain, or any compulsive disorder, so that we can show others how they can heal. If you'd like to do this with me, please send me a PM.

Enjoy the video and Keep the Faith - we can do this!

Freedom for our Kids!!! <3

Janeta Jane

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