NT Framework 48 The Glorification of God, Man, and Nature

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SBC Family,

If you’re perceptive you realize that the doctrines of God, man, and nature that are re-visited when we deal with resurrection for the eternal state are a return to the same doctrines we dealt with at creation. There is a reason things begin and end with the doctrines of God, man, and nature. Everything has to wrap up. God has a plan, purpose, and a way of getting there. We are all involved in this. Your life is not purposeless, it is purposeful. It’s amazing the difference three to four letters can make.

Tomorrow we’ll finish our discussion of the glorification of God as the ultimate purpose of history, and then delve into the glorification of man and nature. There are many unresolved issues that will be resolved when these things transpire, and they will transpire, for the first resurrection from the dead has already taken place with Christ and the rest are surely to follow. This is our hope, which is not a vague “I hope so,” but as certain as night follows day (or in Hebrew as day follows night, Gen 1:1-5).

Love you and hoping to see you tomorrow. Invite your friends to come on this journey with us. Many people across our nation need more than conservative values. They need the solid ground of absolute truth upon which values are based. Without them they are surely a crumbling edifice. America doesn’t need more conservativism. It needs truth. It doesn’t need more voices. It needs to listen to the voice of God.

Two lessons attached.

My love,




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