May 19, 2024

10 months ago

KNOW WHAT YOU HOLD!!! HAVE YOU SET UP YOUR QFS?? IF YOU HAVE NOT DONE THAT YET, YOU NEED TO DO IT QUICK BEFORE IT'S LATE #xrp #ripple #xrpl #trump2024 #GCR The masked resident never got rid of that E.O. Remember Trump's EO on child and human trafficking? Trump now owns the world. GESARA LAW was fully signed by the HAGUE Repeal of the Act of Englan of 1871 - Reverses the Balfour Declaration. (International Court of Justice). No more crown. Australia is listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Trump EO13818 & 13848 - Seizure of the assets of persons involved in crimes against humanity and foreign election interference. (New York Stock Exchange/Wall Street) There Australia is in the care of Donald J. Trump by default. All central banks were seized as part of Operation Defender Europe 20 and 21. The Vatican had the snakes driven away St. Patrick's Day last year when 50,000 troops invaded Rome. Buckingham Palace empty. The city of London is bankrupt The Vatican is empty and bankrupt - the Pope told you that. Share Washington D.C. empty and bankrupt. He has the whole world in his hands.

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