The CCP Has Infiltrated the United States Primarily Through Commercial and Diplomatic Channels

5 months ago

05/17/2024 Aila on Grant Stinchfield Show: Xi Jinping would have high-ranking CCP members or spies enter the United States through diplomatic channels or by posing as businessmen, rather than sneaking in through the southern border. The best examples are individuals who have tried to interview or harass Miles Guo over the past few years, such as Liu Yanping, a senior leader of the PRC Ministry of Security, and Qin Hui, a “white glove” for former senior CCP officials.
05/17/2024 Aila做客Grant Stinchfield Show:习近平会让中共高级成员或者间谍通过外交途径或者假扮成商人的方式进入美国,而不是让他们偷偷从南部边境潜入进来。最好的例子就是过去几年一直试图采访或者骚扰郭文贵先生的人,比如中共国安全部高级领导人刘彦平和前中共高级官员的白手套覃辉。

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