Arculus UNBOXING! Saintjerome seeks a secure wallet to carry in his dirty fiat wallet! WOW 5-18-24

9 months ago

A new Arculus hardware crypto wallet is unboxed by Saintjerome of Crypto Experiences. This is the first time Saintjerome has seen an Arculus crypto wallet and held it in his hand. Saintjerome plans to carry this crypto wallet in his regular dirty fiat wallet, with walking around crypto. Saintjerome has been a Ballet wallet ambassador for years and really loves that wallet. BUT the Ballet Wallets have the private key and pass phrase hidden behind stickers. He wanted a wallet to carry around that does not matter if he were to lose his fiat wallet or get it stolen, the crooks can't break in and get the crypto. A future video will compare the two wallets: Arculus vs. Ballet
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Don't forget about my contest for 440 subscribers! The first one to comment after my 440 subscriber will get some free cryptocurrency. Down below are some links to save money on cryptocurrencies and to help the podcast:

Here is my Caleb and Brown link to get or trade your cryptocurency! A lifetime 3.5% rate if you sign up with this link!!! And you get a personal broker, Wow!

Be sure to join for free! If you join as a paying patreon, as little at 5.00 per month, you will receive special service and deals. If you join at the top tier and live in the USA, I will send you a 1 goldback and .001 BTC up until these both surpass the cost of the top tier!

Here is where you can buy goldbacks at a great price and help support this channel!

The Ballet Wallet is a good place to store your Satoshis
My affiliate link to Ballet Wallet

Vault your Goldbacks for free at upma Here is the link:

Also the following links will save you money in cryptocurrencies and other areas:

Here is a link to Clint Westwood's channel: for more information about phipay and phigold token.

This new contests replaces all the previous contests that I had going. This is now the only! New contest: As of now I am also holding a 440 subscriber contest or what number a certain podcast is at. If we reach them and beat them, I will give the first to comment as I relay the good news, 20, 000 satoshis! I may sweeten the pot with a Goldback! The amount paid out will max out at $50.00 USD

See below to get various discounts and deals in the Crypto Universe. Especially take advantage to buy a Real Ballet Wallet and making your own Inscriptions. Inscriptions can be Images, Texts, or small Files.

Join Saintjerome's patreon for direct messaging and exclusive podcasts...even a zoom call per month for the upper tier. For the next 60 days, those who join at the lowest tier will receive 10,000 satoshis! I will need to put a cap on this of the first 50 patreon members that sign up.

Below are several codes for you to get crypto or wallets, etc. It will give you discounts and help Saintjerome fund his channel. Thanks!

Here is my personal code if you download the Strike App. If you use it we both get 5.00 FREE! Here is my Strike code: 95OFQY

Here are the links discussed in the video. I would also appreciate a like and subscribe. Feel free to ask any questions you have in the comment section below.

Special offer to new paid patreon members of Saintjerome. Saintjeorme will do a free zoom call of 30 minutes or less with your signing up to his patreon. The link is This offer stops after the first 20 new paid members. The top tier of course gets a zoom call each month.

Great discounts down below!
Here is my Caleb and Brown link to get your ISO tokens and save money:

Here is my personal code if you download the Strike App. If you use it we both get 5.00 FREE! Here is my Strike code: 95OFQY
to purchasing cryptocurrencies and precious metals! WOW! SILVER!

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