頌紅歌洋五毛挑戰鋼琴家DR.K, 拳王阿里和007詹姆斯助陣「倫敦地鐵車站」Little Pink was beaten at "London Subway Station"

8 months ago

近日,一名貌似來自加拿大的洋五毛高舉中共五星紅旗前往倫敦地鐵站挑戰正在彈奏鋼琴的DR. K。並且高唱"沒有共產黨就沒有新中國","社會主義好“,"共產黨好"等CCP洗腦頌歌。就算被反共人群舉牌靜抗,也無法讓這位洋五毛冷靜,於是幾位地鐵保安將這位洋五毛隔離控制,路過的人群也在譴責這位馬克思主義接班人,甚至拳王阿里的接班人揮拳教訓了一番,接著貌似007詹姆斯·邦德的路人也上前將其擊退。被圍毆後找不到東南西北的洋五毛立刻撥打了報警電話,希望警察前來救陣,但可惜警察來了以後二話不說直接將這位洋五毛轟出了車站。喜歡影片的朋友請按讚和關注本頻道。謝謝大家!

Praising the red song for 50 cents and challenging the pianist DR.K, passers-by helped out at "London Subway Station"
Continuing from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, when Little Pink caused a scene in a London subway station, there has been one wave after another!
Recently, a foreigner who appeared to be from Canada held high the five-star red flag of the Communist Party of China and went to a London subway station to challenge DR. K who was playing the piano. And sang "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China", "Socialism is good", "The Communist Party is good" and other CCP brainwashing chants. Even if the anti-communist crowd held up placards to protest, they could not calm down this foreigner. So several subway security guards isolated and controlled this foreigner. The passing crowd also condemned this Marxist successor. After being beaten, Yang-Wumao, who couldn't find the southeast, northwest, immediately called the police, hoping that the police would come to the rescue. Unfortunately, when the police came, they kicked the foreigner out of the station without saying a word.
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#Brendan Kavanagh

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