Vladimir Putin Will Visit The China-Russia Strategic Military Operation Center

9 months ago

05/17/2024 Aila on Grant Stinchfield Show: Vladimir Putin visited Beijing and will visit North China, where Xi Jinping built up a China-Russia strategic military operation center for Putin, specifically for Russia-Ukrainian war. From the beginning of the Russia-Ukrainian warfare, the Chinese Communist Party supplied massive amounts of military weapons and logistics to support Putin.
05/17/2024 Aila做客Grant Stinchfield Show:普京访问北京并将访问中国东北地区,习近平在那里为普京建立了中俄战略军事行动中心,专门针对俄乌战争。从俄乌战争一开始,中国共产党就提供了大量的军事武器和后勤支持普京。

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