Plants vs Zombies 2 - Plant of the Week - Aloe - May 2024

9 months ago

35 Aloe seeds are awarded for completing this event consisting of five (5) levels.

Plant of the Week - Aloe - was offered between May 18, 2024 through May 25, 2024.

Aloe is a member of the Reinforce-Mint family.
Aloe costs 75 Sun. (-25 Sun at levels 5 and 10.)
Aloe heals 400 hit points to the plant on its immediate right. (+50 healing per level except levels 4 and 8.)
Aloe can heal every six (6) seconds. (-1 second on levels 4 and 8.)
When given plant food, Aloe heals all plants in a 3x3 area around it.
This effect happens every time Reinforce-Mint is planted.

While the obvious use case would be for plants like Wall-nut or Tall-nut, Endurian would be a nice plant as it damages zombies who eat it. Same with a powered up Murkadamian Nut. Chard Guard would be nice allowing for quicker regeneration of the leaves. Pumpkins would also be a nice plant as it would allow for some melee plants like Bonk Choy or Snapdragon to be better protected while being on the front lines.

Bottom Line:
Aloe's 75 + Pumpkin's 150 = 225 Sun * 5 = 1,125 Sun which is quite a lot to spend on defense. Aloe + Wall-nut = 125 which is not a bad block. Although Tall-nut costs the same and has many more hit points, blocks fliers and saves a column.

We do not “hate” Aloe. It's not a bad plant. We just find the use case quite limited. (Survive for X minutes.) The game also requires the player to eliminate the zombies and Sun spent on defensive plants is Sun that is not spent on offensive plants.

00:00 Level 1
01:27 Level 2
02:45 Level 3
04:24 Level 4
06:04 Level 5

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