Rima E. Laibow (MD) LISTEN UP WHO! YOU LIED! GET LOST! 18-May-2024

9 months ago

Listen up, WHO.
There was no pandemic.
There was no health emergency.
There was no medical or scientific evidence for masking, lockdowns, distancing, or vaccinations.
You changed the definition of pandemic so that any disease or any problem anywhere could be labeled a pandemic.
The PCR test was fake. Falsified results induced fear of the alleged "covid pandemic" to coerce acceptance of fake vaccines.
CDC changed the definition of vaccine to accommodate mRNA gene altering injections.
The mRNA injections were called vaccines to bypass required testing for new drugs. Vaccines are not tested to the same standard as drugs.
The mRNA injections are genetic modification experiments.
Excess mortality did not occur until the roll out of the mRNA injections - bioweapon death shots created under contract to the US Department of Defense.
The public was not informed that test subjects died during pathetically inadequate mRNA "vaccine" trials.
mRNA death shots were mandated without INFORMED CONSENT, violating the Nuremberg Code incorporated into legislation of most countries.
YOU MURDERED millions of people while masquerading as a health organization that facilitated big pharma's financial gain.
Under your watch, hundreds of thousands of people died from enforced protocols including midazolam, remdesivir, and ventilators.
Emergency Use Authorization for the mRNA injections was illegal because other, safe and effective treatments for alleged covid-19
existed - hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, budesonide, quercetin, nano silver and more.
Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin have been on the WHO essential medications list for years and are used world wide.
You did not promote health.
YOU promoted DEATH.
Wolves in sheeps' clothing.
Murderers in doctors' coats.
Your insatiable greed for power and control has exposed you for the criminal thugs that your are.
As a private, unelected, unaccountable and corrupt foreign organization you have no legal jurisdiction over me or my countrymen.
We have no contract with you. We will not comply with your tyranny.
You pretend to have power over member countries and use that "power" to grant yourself even more power and control.
You do not follow the rules of procedure in your own constitution for adopting new, more stringent rules for member countries. You are a
sham, a house of cards.
We do not need a pandemic treaty or agreement with you. Your abysmal, incompetent, fraudulent handling of the alleged covid-19 pandemic
disqualifies you as a source of health management information.
Your proposed pandemic agreement provides for the WHO Director-General to declare a state of perpetual emergency granting him/her unchallengeable, dictatorial control over people in member countries.
Your proposed pandemic agreement changes your advisory role to an enforcement role. This radical change allows member countries to
walk away from you with no obligation to you.
UN Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals, which you support, are a recipe for an intolerable life style confined to 15
minute cities (prison camps) with no democracy, no freedoms, no rights, and bugs for food.
We don't need you. We don't want you. We work for your total and complete demise.


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