WTFR Weekend Tripe & Bilge Round-up With Joss 17-05-2024

8 months ago

Have a great weekend everyone, & don't take the death that our common enemy call "life" too seriously. We do kind of create our own reality, it all depends on how we view things - & of course the enemies of life itself would have us view life on this planet of ours (which they think they own), as Hell itself. It's all down to perspective.

Saturday - the day after this show was recorded, my wife & I spent a wonderful morning with Colin from our Wednesday show, learning about which woodland plants are edible or medicinal. One plant I ate tasted like a cross between coconut & coriander; the perfect flavour to recreate Thai cuisine if one finds oneself living in the wild - whether by choice, or through tyranny. An empowering experience, it means WE HAVE A CHOICE, & needn't starve. Knowledge is power.

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