"Apples Were Once the Forbidden Fruit" Produce A-Z With Robin Vitetta-Miller (1996)

9 months ago

#foodnetwork #90s #90stv #apple

More pro-apple propaganda from Big Apple. I do like how she refers to Adam and Eve and "that incident in the Garden of Eden." Also it's funny that this wholesome pro-apple...commercial(?) is sponsored by Equal. You know, that fake sugar that got banned after all those "cancer incidents." I'm pretty sure that was equal. Either way, don't use equal, but do eat apples. Not me though, I'm allergic.

-I have no idea who this lady is. I'm not even sure I spelled her name right, so if anyone knows, comment below.-

The lady is Robin Vitetta sometimes Robin Vitetta-Miller or sometimes just Robin Miller. This blog from 2005 gives a good overview of her work:

"Robin Miller has 12 years of experience as a food writer and nutritionist. She earned a master’s degree in Food and Nutrition from New York University. Currently, she is Contributing Editor for Health and Cooking Light magazines and has regular features in many national publications. Miller is also the author of six books, including: Picnics (Clarkson Potter, 2005), Verdure (Clarkson Potter, 2001), The Newlywed Cookbook (Sourcebooks, 1999), The Daily Soup (Hyperion, 1999), Jane Fonda, Cooking for Healthy Living (Turner, 1996), and The Newlywed Cookbook (R&E Publishers, 1991)" From 2005

She has tons of cookbooks on amazon. This one is from 2023: https://www.amazon.com/30-Minute-Meal-Prep-Healthy-Delicious/dp/1728268877


Here are other 1996 commercials from the Food Network. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxUBzGTjPAc

There were many Molto Mario season 1 episodes saved from the same VHS tape. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2KZ8GAP1aU



Check out the lost cooking shows playlist (Donovan Fandre, Molto, TASTE with David Rosengarten, and our flirty friends over at How To Boil Water) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU3KsR1T2c6I-QYtZ-HlvvuvbTKSqULuo

Want some commercial compilations from the 90s? I got you dawg. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU3KsR1T2c6LiqHOLwZPtlQlQQnVxDOZa

What about the 2000's?

You need these 80's commercials in your life:

And let's not forget about other Lost Media:

1996. TV Food Network

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