Pokémon Sprayed

10 months ago

Hop in your DeLorean and travel back to a time where dumbass parodies like this were actually kinda funny. Oh, speaking of movies, "The Last Stop in Yuma County" was pretty good if you haven't seen it yet!



🛒 Teespring ‎ ▪ ‎ https://stamper.creator-spring.com


▌ 🟩 SUPER-OPTIONAL SUPPORT - Only if you're feeling generous! ‎ ▌

👤 Patreon ‎ ▪ ‎ https://www.patreon.com/Stamper
☕ Buy Me A Coffee ‎ ▪ ‎ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/stampy

Thanks for all the ongoing support! I mean...at this rate, you guys are essentially my employers, too?


▌ 🟪 PRIMARY GEAR - Here's the BASICS, at least. ‎ ▌

🖊️ Tablet ‎ ▪ ‎ HUION Inspiroy H1060P - 10 x 6.25
🎧 Headphones ‎ ▪ ‎ Sony MDR7506
🎙️ Microphone ‎ ▪ ‎ Audio-Technica AT2020 (USB version is perfectly fine in my opinion.)
⚡ Audio Interface ‎ ▪ ‎ Scarlett Solo (IF you end up getting the AT2020 XLR version.)

(You can find most of this stuff over at Amazon. Not sponsored, just saying!)



🔊 DistroKid ‎ ▪ ‎ https://distrokid.com/vip/seven/998181

Again, not sponsored. Submit your audio/music/podcasts/whatever to multiple platforms at once so you don't gotta do Spotify, iTunes, etc. individually. There's probably better services out there, but I dunno...I'm stubborn in regards to change I guess?


▌ 🟥 ALSO HEY, FYI... ‎ ▌

⚠️ I DON'T USE FACEBOOK - no fan pages, no personal pages, ZERO Facebook. Anybody 'Stampering' over there isn't me/working with me.
⚠️ I BARELY use X or Instagram, so don't expect much from me there. If you wanna talk, just hit me up like normal people do! Also Discord is a fuckin' mess too so...man social media kinda sucks huh?

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