💥Manipulated Strain of Bird Flu is coming from USDA research center in Athens GA

9 months ago

Dr Peter McCullough [clip] | ANOTHER GAIN OF FUNCTION experiment with Bird Flu to turn it into Disease X. Internist, cardiologist, and epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough describes to Tommy Carrigan how GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, has said that "bird flu" will be the much-anticipated "Disease X." McCullough notes that PCR testing for bird flu has already been rolled out to animals, and there's even been a dolphin who tested positive for the disease.

"Bird flu is H5N1, so H5 is the, in a sense, more pathogenic spike protein," McCullough says. He notes that over the decades there have been several hundred cases of bird flu, and that "of those cases, there was a high mortality rate..." However, McCullough says that "the cases that resulted in fatalities...[were in] largely underdeveloped countries" and were amongst "people presenting very late" and who had "no ICU care" nor secondary antibiotic treatment.

"Now there's been the drumbeat...GAVI, the global vaccine alliance, said, 'bird flu will be the next Disease X, the WHO has put out major warnings and updates on bird flu, so has the USDA, so has the CDC, and there's been a massive surge in...PCR testing for bird flu in animals—poultry, and now cattle," McCullough notes. The physician says that "in 2022 there was a single case of bird flu, in Colorado." He notes that that case occurred in "the unlucky poultry farm worker [who] was ordered to incinerate all the chickens" because one of the chickens had bird flu.

The government response is "to kill them all," McCullough says in regard to finding bird flu in poultry birds.

Cut to 2024, and McCullough says a man in West Texas got "a relatively severe case of pinkeye...and they tested him. Why they tested him for bird flu, that's unclear, but he tested positive. And now the emergency is...[the] man is said to have gotten it from cattle, although, honestly, it probably came from some bird source."

The agriculture director in Texas has responded by saying "kill millions of chickens," McCullough notes. He adds that the nation's largest egg producer "now has to sacrifice all these egg-laying hens."

The physician goes on to say, "believe it or not...there was a dolphin that got bird flu, off of Florida. The strain is a gain-of-function strain. It's a manipulated strain, looks like it's coming out of the USDA poultry research lab in Athens, Georgia."

Former CDC Director Robert Redfield, McCullough says, "was out on national TV this week, saying...'It's really hard to get bird flu to infect humans, but if I change five amino acids in the spike protein, the hemagglutinase, I can get it to jump into humans, and spread to humans.' He goes, 'That's not going to happen in nature, very likely, but it can be done in a lab. In fact, gain-of-function research is being done on bird flu in academic labs.' So he comes out and says this. This is astounding."

McCullough highlights the fact that the director of the USDA poultry research center in Athens, Georgia, is a former Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation director.

See full podcast here on GalacticStorm 🌌💫 ✨🌃🌟

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