This ANCIENT TEACHING Will Bend YourREALITY (No One Tells You)

8 months ago

#hermeticism #manifestation #ancientwisdom

Unlock the secrets of ancient Hermeticism andtransform your life with our enlightening video! Delveinto the mystical teachings of Hermes Trismegistusfrom 1st or 2nd Century Egypt, and discover the sevenprinciples that reveal the essence of reality and thepower of the mind. This video is a treasure trove for anyone seeking to understand the profound wisdomthat influenced secret societies and esoteric movements throughout history.

Learn how the principle of mentalism can revolutionizeyour perception of the universe and your place withinit, mirroring the intriguing parallels between Hermeticphilosophy and quantum physics. Embrace theprinciple of correspondence to align your inner andouter worlds, attracting positivity and success in all aspects of life.

Explore the principle of vibration and how yourpersonal energy frequency shapes your experiences.Discover the balancing act of the principle of polarity,and ride the waves of life with the principle of rhythm.Master the principle of cause and effect to becomethe architect of your destiny, and harmonize themasculine and feminine energies within you through the principle of gender.

Our video is not just a lesson in ancient wisdom; it's acall to action for personal growth and spiritualenlightenment. Ideal for seekers of hidden knowledge,individuals aiming for personal transformation, andfans of esoteric philosophy, this video is a must-watch.

Don't miss out on this journey to self-discovery anduniversal understanding. Subscribe to our channelnow for more content that will inspire and empoweryou to live a harmonious and fulfilled life. Dive deepinto the world of Hermeticism and let these timeless.teachings guide you to a higher level of existence.

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#spiritualawakening #spiritualgrowth #spirituality#luminara #manifestation #personalgrowth
power of mind,manifest your desire,ancientteaching,how to program subconscious mind,mindcontrol,mind power,how the mind
principles,hermes trismegistus,forbidden
teaching,manifest what you want,how powerful is
mind,how to train subconscious mind,7 hermeticprinciples,bend your reality, This ANCIENT TEACHINGWill Bend Your REALITY (No One Tells You)

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