🚩W.H.O. wants to declare a globalization of the classification of chemicals

8 months ago

This Doesn’t Sound Good | Moms Across America: “Did you know that one of the things the WHO is up to, the World Health Organization, is that they want to declare a globalization and harmonization of the classification of chemicals.”

What does that sound like to you? What that sounds like to me is that they want a globalized and harmonized, you know, the same unified classification of chemicals, like, oh, let's just say glyphosate is safe or Paraquat is safe or 2,4-D is safe or Dicamba is safe. Let's just say that's safe all around the world.

That sure would be more convenient for the chemical companies to make a profit, right?

They don't like the fact that glyphosate has been restricted or banned in 60 different countries around the world. That's not convenient or profitable for them. So who is having a meeting May 27th in Geneva.

Folks this cannot happen there are states like New York that has banned a certain type of roundup with POEA in it which is highly toxic also banned in Europe by the way and that's been banned for I don't know 20 or 30 years in New York that type of thing would go away if the WHO is able to pass this type of policy around the world.

Let's keep in mind the WHO is a group of global elitists that have not been elected and that are basically trying to force feed laws and policies down the throats of countries by using power and trade and food and money as manipulation and power play. So, really, we have to keep an eye on them.

We have to keep raising awareness and speaking up and speaking to our local politicians and our federal politicians not happen. Folks, this cannot happen.“

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