UNBOXING: Pampered Chef Deluxe Air Fryer

9 months ago

Join us as we unbox this deluxe air fryer and create a delicious 3-course dinner using this amazing kitchen gadget! Get ready for some mouth-watering recipes and a fun unboxing experience.
Chapters Listed Below!

Deluxe Air Fryer = https://tinyurl.com/AirFryerChefLance

Chris Young 'How and Air Fryer Works' = https://tinyurl.com/HowAirFryerWorks

Tools Used by Chef Lance = https://cheflancecooks.com/tools-used-by-chef-lance/

Toasted Ravioli Recipe = https://tinyurl.com/ToastedRavioliRecipe
Panko Crusted Cod Recipe = https://tinyurl.com/CrispyAirFryerCod
Air Fryer Apple Crisp Recipe = https://cheflancecooks.com/air-fryer-apple-crisp/

00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:05 Unboxing
00:14:45 Toasted Ravioli
00:26:23 Tasting the Toasted Ravioli
00:30:28 Panko Crusted Cod
00:43:18 Air Fryer Apple Crisp
00:52:56 Tasting the Cod
00:55:13 Tasting the Apple Crisp
00:56:50 Meal Prep Planning

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