The Emperor's Justice Energy Vlog

9 months ago

The Emperor's Justice Energy Vlog Title is form the amplitude power of 11 and the date May 18, 20214 thus giving us 31 which adds to # 4 The Emperor card a divine male a sovereign being; a father figure. We decided this is Trump since Biden can only be a tyrant a corrupt piece of shit. or a puppet being manipulated by Obama or at least his minions.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure news site showed us an amplitude power of 11 coming in at 3:45 AM UTC thus we have The Hanged Man Through i his self sacrifice changing his perspective on how Justice coudl be reformed.. The quality at a power of 7 The Chariot card moving swiftly as we guide it down the true path of common law. The Frequency average is 7.90 hertz a new average? WE can say about this number is it adds to 16 The tower card aa falling down of structures that no longer serve the people.

Space weather news showed us a M class CME coming off the incoming limbe of the Sun. The solar wind density is around 2 protons per centimeter. The speed of the wind was 400 to 420 kilometers per second KPS The Emperor to the lovers. The Temperature of the solar wind hit 60,000 Kelvin Blazing hot still at that. The Kp index started in the yellow zone but calmed down after 6:00 AM lovers card again.

We pulled two card from the Starseed Oracle deck they were first the Great severing Mars Energy; Conflict and anger softening to love, Teh second card was the Whale and Orca Elders with the advice to share your song. The frequency of sound OM Diving Deep. We need to call them out on all of the deceit and chemtrails and crooked rulers like Justin Trudeau Mitterrand and Biden.
links :
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
Space Weather News Site:

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