Hasbro's G.I. Joe Dusty review

8 months ago

Dusty's real name is Ronald W. Tadur, which is based on an anagram of Hasbro artist Ron Rudat. Born in Las Vegas, Nevada, he grew up in the desert and became intimately familiar with it. After high school, he worked as a refrigeration repairman by day, while studying the ecology of the desert in his spare time. He went through basic training at Fort Bliss, Texas, and is a qualified expert with the M-14, M-16, M-16A2, M-60, M-1911A1 auto pistol and M-203 40mm grenade launcher.[1] Dusty is an Army Ranger who specializes in desert warfare and survival.

An excellent tracker, he is fluent in Arabic and Hebrew, conversant in Kazakh and the Oirat-Khalkha languages of Central Asia, and is also noted for his patience, strong leadership qualities, and excellence for sneaking up behind enemies in the desert, and popping a can of firefight.[2] When the G.I. Joe Team was disbanded, Dusty signed up for a tour in Israel, in order to keep his skills sharp. He returned to active duty when the team was reinstated, and can usually be found leading new recruits in target practice.[3]

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