This is NOT the "Anti-Michael Heiser Channel", It is About Christ-Centered Theology

9 months ago

My channel on the other video social media site was getting a lot of hate from devotees of the late Dr. Michael Heiser. I just want to set the record straight. I didn't hate the man, I just disagreed with him on the "Unseen Realm" theology, which was 2nd Temple Period and 1st and 2nd century Rabbinic Theology.

Here is a list of resources when I describe the issues I have with various parts of the theology, but it isn't personal....

Here is a link to my take on his other keynote passage from Deuteronomy 32

On the meaning and location of 82nd Psalm

The Nephilim and the Sons of God in the Christ-Centered Model:

And here is why scripture doesn't really teach that angels or spirit beings are "God's sons", with the discrepancy in Job explained:

I have put together some blog posts.......

Here is my written response to his "Naked Bible #249" podcast where he asks whether or not Israelites viewed their judges as Elohim. http://earlygenesistherevealedcosmolo...

Here is a blog post on why I think he has Deuteronomy 32 wrong....

And why I think he has "Elohim" wrong..... .

And probably "Sons of Elohim" wrong as well.....

I think he over-emphasizes places, or perhaps another way to put it is that he leaves off the very important ending- that they don't matter much now if they ever did because they were used for a purpose which has been fulfilled in Christ.

Link to my book: Early Genesis the Revealed Cosmology

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