Expressing an Idea

9 months ago

Expressing an Idea:
A Poem

The skeleton of an idea needing to be fleshed out.
The Teeth clatter, waxing and waning for clout—
Creaking pontifications, if you want to go that rout.

A tongue brushing the palate, like a horse with no reins.
Prattling on, the esophagus to dialog’s mucosal drains.
There’s a high and wise fidelity in knowing what guts got for brains.

Meter set to a nervously erratic beating heart.
Labored knees, knock and pop, carrying shabby art.
An index pointing from the middle to a descending start.

Caught in a ribcage net of incompetence and pride—
Mouthing each syllable—trying to be a pen’s guid.
The body of text bloating with every “clever” line I’ve tried.

A simple ideas: write poems and put down the phones.
But the eyes have it—There’s no meat on those boring bones.
And even pandering a Timpani, ears won’t acknowledge my incessant drones.

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