Little Boy Crawls Into Home Plate in T-ball

6 years ago

T-ball is such an amazing sport and most kids absolutely love it! It's basically baseball for preschoolers. Even though it’s meant for the youngest players, it doesn't mean that a game of t-ball can’t be so much! This video shows the perfect example of little league baseball excitement. Let’s take the little t-ball player form this video as an example. As the video begins, this youngster runs from third base to home plate and it looks like he’s gonna make it. You go, little one! But then, all of a sudden, he throws himself on the ground and starts crawling to home plate as a slide. OMG, how cute is he? That’s the funniest way to slide into the home plate I have ever seen! Or maybe this little one hasn’t even planned on sliding, he just got tired of all that running so he decided to crawl instead! Too precious for words!

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