Apophenia! My Last Rap Song By Adam Stark

4 months ago

This is my last Rap song.

My beat is called Traversal: https://youtu.be/7-EImJ1EQ70


Apophenia Lyrics: 6/09/2023

“This is my last Rap, on full display as I etched this screen,
this is the concentration of Adam’s (/atoms) molecular density!

I’m gonna tell a story, of how I reigned over this scene,
Washed up were the haters by ‘stark’ rule as can be,
They were Clapping as a warning, Alarms warn the emergency!
Now, fresh in your mind, Apophenia comes into affect,
and listen carefully as I change but maintain double meanings i append:

I’m gonna tell a story, of how I rained over this scene,
Washed up were the haters by ‘Stark’… cruel as can be,
They were Clapping as a warning, All arms warn the emerging sea!

When I started people look at me with nothing but doubt,
And wouldn’t butt out
But now…

How many wordplay mechanics did I personally personify and invent?
Rap is a dialect, It’s language allows me more depth!
(/It’s slang which allows me more depth)
Another double sorry, I get like this when I’m at home, it’s a habit Adam has… get it unintelligent critic? it’s a habitat dumbass! (/habit Adam has)

And I’m never dissing my own audience, my insults go strictly to the self-proclaimed artists that I’ve massacred,
With or without a church funeral where mass occurred

Since 2007, I’m travelled and battled, I was never defeated,
My freestyles have killed all opponents,
Publicly and out in the open truly spoken,
I’ve solidified myself as one of the fastest rappers and speakers,
created the first 7 literal meaning line, and duodecuple entendre’ as well that astounded literature teachers!
I’ve authored and published several books by my self! I’m bragging simply because people should know,
One of my books was ranked number one on a major website for twenty fucking weeks in a row!
I was offered a record deal, even though I turned down the offer and didn’t accept it,
I only mention that because most artists are stupid and won’t get it,
Then when haters spoke out, and challenged me, it became clear that my talents proven,
After they battled me, they all lost and their rap careers were ruined!

You know by now with my quick freestyle reactions instilled in me,
I’m in charge to react with my response ability!
That was another double.
Study my puppy as she kills you weak ass operatives,
Educated guess, my dog will reach over your head and claw your fucking eyeballs out,
But right before… we freeze frame stop this shit,
Looking at the upper claws of it, and pre-conclude: “What a high paw this is!”
(/what a hypothesis)

Another double!

You will all remember me as a wordsmith, you’ve heard of a blacksmith, a gunsmith, well I’m a wordsmith!

For those who apply skepticism to say that word ‘wordsmith’ is impossible…
Is it the word ‘word’ or the word ‘smith’ illogical?
Or is the ‘legend’ of this word’s myth illogical!?
Or are both of these words mythological?
(/wordsmith illogical)
(/word ‘smith’ illogical)

That’s a triple meaning!

I’ve never lost with rap, and you won’t change that shit, you’ve all tried and all crumbled!
Kick your ass so far you’ll land on an undiscovered planet; we’ll name it after you, and call it “unknown!”

Word to haters they couldn’t ‘get it together’ if they were a prefix, meanin’…
I gave you all the jealous reason that your speakin’,
In other words: Science doesn’t lie bitch! Adam’s (/Atoms) the reason that your breathin’!

You said you would do something to me, but you did nothing, no damage to me no single piece destroyed,
100% There’s a ‘hole in your logic’ … it’s a paradox, your whole plan was: a void?
Get it? Plan was a void, and avoid?

Hater listen, you have an imaginary team, and you’ll never be happy or contingent;
My point is, gasp, You know what? Satisfaction’s nonexistent
(/you know what’s sad? His faction’s nonexistent)
See if you can understand that double, while you cop a sentence,
Like watching your police officer’s lawyer botch your witness
(/bought’ch your witness)

Another double!

All punchlines aside…
I’m putting rap behind me, I’m moving on with my life.
It was fun and I succeeded where most other’s struggled and died.
I pray to the most high, I love God, and this entertainment industry
isn’t meant for me.
I will never sell my soul unlike you sick famous
people that have been changin’
I’ve never compromised my morals or integrity for seeking a weakling’s feelings for some importance when you famous people are so far from God your getting more unhinged
with devil worshippin’

You can HAVE that fame and vanity with your sick ritual witchcraft,
And you use symbols and mind control to take innocent people down an actual sick path!
While me, myself? I’ve actually saved some people’s lives before, I want to go to heaven, and also have my soul in tact


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