Tom Trefts Sr. ~ Korean War USAF Veteran + MEGA MAGA LINKS

8 months ago

# 4 Maui DEW Strike Massacre
Breaking News 📰 Disclosure - Timothy McVey FBI -

The Dark Side Of The Experimental CRISPER Covid-19 Genetic Altering Vaccine
The Dark Side of CRISPR

Over 2000 Missing Children 👦 After Maui Massacre

Conflict of Interest? Maui Police Chief Who Oversaw Emergency Response at Vegas Mass Shooting Also Serves as Maui Coroner!

missing children.


2.) ABC News

4.) Footage : Chaos at the Sea Wall




8.) Disclosure Hub Archives Disclosure Hub Archives

9.) Melted Car Found 2 Miles From Lahaina

10.) ⚠️ Extreme Separate DEW Blasts Targeted And Melted Cars Way Outside Of Main KILL ZONE aka Mass Murder War Crimes Against Humanity.
• This Awesome 😎 Realtor
• [ ERIC WEST ] is doing a Great 👍 Job Cataloging, Interviewing and Analyzing Dozens of Bizarre Events as well as leading viewers to exact links to various residents and needy area families who are trying to use Apps like 👍 Go Fund Me to get money and aid directly to where it needs to go. Please 🙏 subscribe to his channel for unedited stories and seemingly endless proof that what happened here was undoubtedly a Direct Energy Attack on The United States 🇺🇸 Of America 🇺🇸.

My point of view is that of researcher, human rights activist, Veterans Activist and Disabled Gulf War Veteran ( Anthrax Vaccine 💉 Injured 🤕)

And I can clearly state that by all rights that this is as good of a declaration of war as there ever was upon our country since 9/11 or Pearl Harbor. In both cases the threat came from the sky.

Do we are at war. Where is the Air Force ? On the other side of the fucking mountain at the AMOS ( ANUS ) AFB ?

What kind of idiots do they take us for ?

Short Answer ; We need to shoot the people that are shooting at us like fish 🐠 in a barrel.

We do not have control of our own Air Space !!!!

Either that or we do and a large section of The United States 🇺🇸 Air Force is absolutely corrupt and TREASONOUS!!!!

( I believe that the problem lies with those sacks if shit 🤦‍♂️ over at SAC - Strategic Air Command ).., you heard me right. I am a USAF Veteran calling out the Air Force “leadership” on not only Treason, but Murder and Crimes Against Humanity.

As a member of Veterans For Trump I pledge to keep a big endless spotlight on this unquestionable Act Of War. Furthermore I will be urging all national VSO’s ( Veterans Service Organizations ) to demand justice for Hawaii 🌺 and Justice for our Nation of hostile acts perpetrated upon us with impunity up to this point in history. As I said, citizens on the ground are obviously 🙄 defenseless against high altitude threats such as Direct Energy Weapons, Chemtrails or other exotic Biological Agents being dumped upon us on a daily basis.

Fuck The Deep State And The Horse 🐴 It Rode In On..

Tom Trefts, ( USAF)Veterans Against Treason & Ricky “ Doc “ Rogers ( USN )

Remember this my Brother and Sister Christian Soldiers, if it can happen here it can happen anywhere.

The Color Blue Protects Against DEW Death ☠️ Ray ?

First Commentary on Lahaina
Special sensitive revelations that cannot go on YT, about the Disclosure plan and the Lahaina attack, will be disclosed here:

Fire 🔥 Hail ?

Maui Casualty List
News Flash • Maui County • CivicEngage

Kill Cities 🌆-

Wikipedia Entry

Maui DEW Strike Was 😟 An Act Of War

California Weatherman leaks rain clouds ☁️ as not being rain but military exercises.

Electric Company -

Traffic Blocked on Front Start

Underground Tunnels Being Exposed by Washington Monument Area Excavation / Construction 🚧


2.) Location Of Alien / Human Base by Excellent Remote Viewer


Where does it come from ?
1.) Billion Dollar 💵 Babies 👶
( Satan Likes To Jerk Off In Your Face )

2.) Wikipedia -


4.) The Truth About ADRENOCHROME

5.) Mila Kunis Unchanged By Time At 41 -

6.) Rachel McAdams -

7.) Emma Stone -

8.) Margot Robbie -

9.) Sam Claflin

10.) Ann Hathaway

11.) Pitbull

12.) Allasandra Ambrosio

13.)Taylor Swift

14.) Jennifer Lopez

15.) Jennifer Lawrence

16.) Dwayne

17.)Donald Trump

18.) Petition For Dental Care For Veterans

19.) Maui DEW Attack / Treason In Hawaii 🌺- VAT Editorial by Grandpa Tom Trefts

20.) Historic Background

Fiona Barnett: Eyes Wide Open

The Royal Family & Child Trafficking

The book Dope Inc. (1978) was meticulously researched and proved beyond all doubt that the British Royal Family are the ultimate benefactors of the CIA coordinated, global drug trafficking operation.

The royals are also the financial benefactors of the global child sex trafficking operation. Prince Andrew was accused of raping minors trafficked by convicted pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein. One of Prince Andrew’s victims, Virginia

Roberts Giuffre, had her photo taken with him. Recall the Royal Family were caught on film teaching princesses Elizabeth and Margaret to Nazi salute.

Recall pop star Mick Jagger referred to Queen Elizabeth as ‘Chief Witch.’ 100 I witnessed the queen preside over the ritual murder of 11 kids at St James Anglican Church in Sydney City when I was 11 years old.

Within the left-hand path, Satan is the Supreme Prince (the Hierarchy of Hell begins with The Prince).

He is ‘The Other’, the bright Fire Giver and Illuminator! He is the only God who cares! Satanism is a spiritual Darwinian theory based on predation. Devoted Satanists dedicate themselves and their sex acts to their Dark Lord. Prayers are said, Chants intoned or Invocations recited all as the basis of obtaining the blessings of Hell.

Unknown – if not always unsuspected – Infernal Temples exist in every major city throughout the world – Vatican City included! Every hour of every day and every night people are knowingly engaged in Satan’s service. Human sacrifice – whether ritually and quicker or slowly and degradingly over time – is all harnessed to specific ends.

Politicians are introduced by a carefully graded set if criteria and situations that enable them to accept that their victims will be, “Our little secret”.

Young children are sexually molested and physically abused by politicians worldwide are quickly used as sacrifices.

In Australia the bodies are hardly ever discovered, for Australia is still a wilderness.

Overseas, cremation is the favoured method and although the Satanic Alpha Lodges of Australia have access to crematoria when needed, this is surprisingly rare. Believe it or not many bodies are ‘dumped over the side’ every week in a number of isolated bushland settings.

The emerging set of Satanic leaders is young, savvy, competent and heartless.
They are masters and mistresses of their emotions and their intellect. End qoute.


People do you see what we are dealing with here?

Do you all remember the mass graves of Mohawk children have been uncovered by ground-penetrating radar at the Mohawk Institute, a residential school for Mohawk operated by the Church of England and the Vatican before its closure in 1970?

In an exclusive interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, Med, Rev. Kevin Annett, Secretary of the ITCCS Tribunal, revealed a chain of forensic evidence establishing a criminal conspiracy by the above-named individuals, all with the intent of aiding and abetting the cover-up of genocide of First Nations ("Native American") children in Canada by Elizabeth Windsor, Head of State of Canada, and by the Vatican.

The mandate of the ITCCS:

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