7 Stand For Vindication

9 months ago

In the darkest hour,
When HOPE seems to fade,
We rise above,
We won't back down,
We won't give in,
Together we'll fight,
Until we win,
Oh yeah,
Oh oh oh!

Stand for vindication,
Raise your voice up high,
Courage and determination,
Will never be denied,
We'll break the chains that hold us down,
& soar into the sky!
Stand for vindication,
That our spirits never die!

(Verse 2)
Libel & slander,
Are such a sin,
The force of lies just can't win!
We won't back down,
We won't give in,
Together we'll fight until we win!
Yeah, yeah!

[Chorus 2]
Stand for vindication,
Raise your voice up high,
Courage and determination,
(Will) never be denied,
We'll break the chains that hold us down,
& soar into the sky!
Stem those limitations,
The web of life's frustrations,
The DIVINE heart's inclination,
Heal with innovation,
Forgive & live!

[Chorus 3]
Stand for vindication!
Raise your voice up high,
With courage and determination,
Will never be denied,
We'll break the chains that hold us down,
& soar into the sky!
Stand for vindication!
Let our spirits never die!

Audacity, Dell, DuckDuckGo, Gimp, Google Chrome, Linux, Meta, Microsoft, MyPal, OpenAIChatGPT3.5, Picsart, Royalty free sounds, Samsung, You.com, YouTube,

Please note that this list encompasses various tools, applications, programs, services, and emerging AI and computer tools used in the creation process. While this strives for balance in including all the relevant tools, this is not an exhaustive list.

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