The Jesuit Order As A Synagogue Of Jews - Dr. Aleksander Maryks

8 months ago

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Recorded at Boston College on 2/24/2010.

This lecture was given at Boston College by Dr. Robert Aleksander Maryks and explains the history of the Jesuit Order. The first Jesuits were crypto-Jews. Ignatious Loyola himself was a crypto Jew of the Occult Kaballah. A crypto-Jew is a Jew who converts to another religion and outwardly embraces the new religion, while secretly maintaining Jewish practices. As John Torell explains "In 1491 San Ignacio de Loyola was born in the Basque province of Guipuzcoa, Spain. His parents were Marranos and at the time of his birth the family was very wealthy.
As a young man he became a member of the Jewish Illuminati order in Spain. As a cover for his crypto-Jewish activities, he became very active as a Roman Catholic. On May 20, 1521 Ignatious (as he was now called) was wounded in battle, and became semi-cripple. Unable to succeed in the military and political arena, he started a quest for holiness and eventually ended up in Paris where he studied for the priesthood. In 1539 he had moved to Rome where he founded the "JESUIT ORDER", which was to become the most vile, bloody and persecuting order in the Roman Catholic Church. In 1540, the current Pope Paul III approved the order. At Loyola's death in 1556 there were more than 1000 members in the Jesuit Order, located in a number of nations". Keep in mind Dr. Robert Aleksander is an Associate Professor and Associate Director of the Institute For Advanced Jesuit Studies and works for the Jesuit Boston College. So while he does acknowledge that The Society For Jesus (Jesuits) was technically founded by a Marrano (Crypto-Jew), he spins it as though Ignatious Loyola's conversion was sincere and he had no other alterior motives. Remember, (((they))) always work by infiltration and subversion.

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves"
Vladimir Lenin.

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