Sound money: Gold, Silver, and Oil

10 months ago

The Federal Reserve, and the Bank of England created an economic system that was not fair to other Nations, but to a few Cartels that manipulated it and exported inflation around the world. Those who dared to stand up to these injustices, their governments were toppled instantly creating chaos, instability, and poverty around the world. QFS is going to cure this disease by introducing a fair level playing field, by removing corruption, nepotism, and unnecessary wars that benefited those who wanted to sale weapon that killed people. The Cartels created money out of thin air and loaned it to the Governments with interest. This is what has caused poverty to spread like a wild fires in every Country on the Planet. It must be stopped by people of good will and who are kind at heart. A small group of people have taken hostage the whole world and made the planet a place that is not conducive for human habitation. It must be stopped in order for humanity to thrive when they work and earn real money.

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