The German Nazis Went Underground

8 months ago

The Nazis planned to go into hiding if they lost World War II. Has this plan been carried out? Discover where the German Nazis disappeared to—and how they are now scheming to win World War III.

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In the 1990s, Germany conquered the Balkans. Yugoslavia became the first military victim of World War III! This fractured region provided Germany with the first colonies of its new empire, which is prophesied to start a third and final world war.

The Nazis’ post-World War II master plan is unfolding before our eyes! But who even recognizes this today?

Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Germany’s Conquest of the Balkans to learn how the German Nazis are secretly emerging from the underground. Soon, a new European empire led by Germany will shock the world!

Study Germany’s Conquest of the Balkans to see how Germany’s rise has been aided and abetted by its prime enemy in World War II: the United States of America. Germany could not conquer the Balkans and resurrect the Holy Roman Empire without the foolish support of America!

From the ashes of World War II, Germany has risen to dominate Europe yet again. Let the world beware!

Also request our free booklet He Was Right. As Germany lay in rubble after World War II, Herbert W. Armstrong declared that Germany would recover practically overnight and become stronger than ever. He guaranteed that Germany would start World War III!

How could any man project almost 100 years into the future with such accuracy? Mr. Armstrong was informed by the sure word of Bible prophecy. This is why Mr. Armstrong could forecast world events with confidence. The remarkable track record of Herbert W. Armstrong proves beyond any doubt: he was right.

You will also receive our free booklet Who or What Is the Prophetic Beast? and our free reprint article “Ten Kings of the New Holy Roman Empire Rising Now.” Your Bible uses strange imagery to depict a terrifying European superpower that has caused rivers of blood to flow six times already. But this ‘beast’ of an empire is not done yet. Prove what it will do next.

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