Little Girl Does a Handstand and Falls Through Open Door

6 years ago

We all love dancing! And even more so, we enjoy watching others do it, especially if they are good at it. Evacuate the dance floor, because here comes a little girl with killer dancing moves! This little girl’s got some serious moves! I am totally impressed by her dancing routine, and I bet you will be too! As the video begins, you can see her dancing in her bedroom in front of a bathroom door. “I just hit the lotto, she hit the follow, B-I-N-G-O, bingo, bingo!” She comes to the point in her dancing routine when she should do a handstand. You go, little one! She does a handstand against the door behind her. But little did she know that she did she know what was going to happen. The girl hits the door with her legs, but the door wasn’t shut tight, so it opens up and she falls. LOL! Nobody saw that coming! Absolutely hilarious!

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