A Brief History of Illegal & Clandestine States (1650-2017)

4 months ago

UPDATE: Coto Mixto: Anarchy in Galicia >>>



***EXCLUSIVE TO RUMBLE*** /// Clandestine States are historical political-economic entities not officially recognized as States which nevertheless were based upon the control by group of armed men of a certain geographical territory and population. In this video I attempt a brief Marxist Historiography of five historical examples of this phenomena: The Buccaneer Republics in the Caribbean (1650-1720); The Anarchist-Communist anti-State (Makhnovshchina) established by Nestor Makhno in Ukraine (1918-1921); The Polish Underground State or Polish Secret State (1939-1944); The polity established by the FARC-EP rebels in Colombia ("Farclandia") between 1998 and 2008; and finally The Islamic State polity (Daesh) as it existed between 2014 and 2017 in Syria and Iraq.







"The Pirate Party was founded in 2006 to bring Sweden into the digital future. Since then we have spread to over sixty countries and developed into the world’s most successful political movement since the environmental movement in the 80s...There have been pirates in the European Parliament since 2009. During the period 2009-2014, we worked, among other things, to stop the free trade agreement ACTA and introduce net neutrality and protection of your privacy. In 2014-2019, the focus was mainly on reforming copyright, supporting free software and protecting freedom of expression on the internet. Since 2019, three Czech and one German pirate work in the European Parliament, focusing on anti-corruption and transparency, online civil rights and free software. We want to build a society based on the principles of freedom, dignity and participation. Become a pirate you too – together we can become the political force of the digital age!"

PIRATE POLITICAL PROGRAM: https://piratpartiet.se/en/policy-areas/

***Disclaimer: I am not a member or spokesperson for the Pirate Party movement, I only follow their work.

The Pirate Party Movement probably does NOT endorse classical piracy in the sense practiced by Caribbean Buccaneers between 1650 and 1720.

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