CHASING TRUMP: The Political Prosecutions. Justice GONE WRONG.

9 months ago

This video introduces you to 4 corrupt politically motivated prosecutors with ONE TARGET: Donald J. Trump. This video makes it crystal clear how corrupt our system is.

These prosecutors say they’re upholding the law, but this video reveals this is not the case and, in fact, it is politics of the very worst kind, meant to influence another election.....the 2024 election.

Every individual viewing this video should do everything in their power to get this as widely circulated and widely viewed as possible!!

We are all in this together

We each have our individual roles to play

We all stand to lose

We all have obligation to our children and grandchildren and their children and generations to come

As Dr. King would say; “We may have all come on different ships,
but we’re in the same boat now”

Take action
Be proactive

We're on the edge. It's up to all of us, for such a time as this, for the future of FREEDOM for all generations after we, the witnesses, are gone. We can ALL do one thing NOW....that is, SHARE THE TRUTH!! SHARE THIS VIDEO!!

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